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Message #122 of 317  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  The Sporting News must be smoking crack!
Date:  3/25/06, 8:32am (Last Edited: 3/25/06, 9:23am)
I was looking over the Sporting News baseball positional rankings for each position in the infield this morning. I found it on Yahoo. I determined these guys must be on crack or something! Here's why in my humble opinion.

How can you have J.T. Snow ranked #13 under the 1B rankings ahead of guys like Prince Fielder at #16? Javy Lopez at #18? Ryan Howard at #19? Garciaparra #21? These crackheads also had Sean Casey & Tony Clark in their Top 10!

On their 2B rankings, they have Loretta at number 3.? What? I know he is a good player, but #3? Loretta was ranked ahead of Cantu who was #4, Marcus Giles at #8. They also had Rickie Weeks at #23??????? Thay think that there are 22 second baseman better than Weeks? 22!!!! Oh yeah, Adam Kennedy was ranked #9 ahead of guys like Ronnie Belliard, Ellis, Vidro, Freel, & Weeks of course. I just don't get that!

3B looked a little more reasonable than all of the other infield positions in my opinion. However, they did have Blalock ranked at 15th. He hits in Texas guys. Hello!?!? They also had Chad Tracy at 19th? What?

At shortstop? Wow! This one just blows my mind given the current circumstances. C.Izturis at #8. He's injured & he is Furcal's back up who was just barely ranked ahead of him at #5. Omar Vizquel at #16? Maybe. But Vizquel is old, has no power, & he was ranked ahead of guys like Reyes at #19? WOW!, Bill Hall at #23!?, & Barmes at #25?????????? UNFREAKIN' BELIEVABLE!!!

At catcher, they have Victor Martinez at number 3? Here's the shit kicker! Number 4 was Mike Matheny? What the hell? Ausmus, who can't hit was ranked #12 ahead of Barajas at #15, & Micheal Barrett at #20???? How about them apples? Barrett should atleast be Top 10! By the way, Joe Mauer was number 10.? Enough said!

Greg Zaun was ranked #19. He isn't even a starting catcher. He was ranked ahead of Estrada at #22 & Piazza at #23. Jason Kendall was ranked at number 7. Hasn't he hit like 2 home runs total over the past 8 seasons(sarcasm)?

By the way, these rankings are predictions. They weren't strictly based off last year's numbers. If so, these guys are on crack rock or something!

But then again, maybe I'm the one who's on crack!

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