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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : General Discussion : Reading "Changes to the BaseballGeeks site" Thread

Message #104 of 317  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Changes to the BaseballGeeks site
Date:  3/15/06, 1:57pm
I am preparing to do some revamping of the site, and before I took on the project, I wanted to solicit opinions as to what the regular readers here would like.

Comments, suggestions, critiques. What is not on the site that you would like on the site? Problems with load times, logos, colors?

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Message #114 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Changes to the BaseballGeeks site
Date:  3/21/06, 6:38am
I think the "Messageboards" link on the homepage should go to the list of messageboards. Right now it jumps to the User stats page, and then you have to click on the BaseballGeeks link in the breadcrumb to get to the list. Other than that, I think the site is great! Love the podcast too. I actually look forward to a little extra traffic for my Monday morning commute.

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Message #115 of 317  *NEW*
To:  squanto
Subject:  Re: Changes to the BaseballGeeks site
Date:  3/21/06, 1:21pm
>I think the "Messageboards" link on the homepage should go to
>the list of messageboards. Right now it jumps to the User
>stats page, and then you have to click on the BaseballGeeks
>link in the breadcrumb to get to the list. Other than that, I
>think the site is great! Love the podcast too. I actually look
>forward to a little extra traffic for my Monday morning

Great idea. Done.

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Message #116 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Green Caesar  
Subject:  Re: Changes to the BaseballGeeks site
Date:  3/22/06, 8:31am
Is there any way to format a table in a post?

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Message #117 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Green Caesar
Subject:  Re: Changes to the BaseballGeeks site
Date:  3/22/06, 10:07am
>Is there any way to format a table in a post?

I have tried a number of ways to do this, including allowing HTML. As the need (I am guessing) is generally to present a player's stats, I was thinking of having a command, like:


where the internal stats are whatever stats you want to present, with each stat separated by a ^

Is this the kind of thing you are looking for? Or are you thinking of some other purpose...?

I have some time today, so I might try and implement this today.

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Message #118 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
The Olde English Ds  
Subject:  Re: Changes to the BaseballGeeks site
Date:  3/22/06, 10:22am
I think this function is already available...How do you post a picture in the body of a message or blog? How about adding the MLB standings and league leaders on a table some place on the site once the season starts?

Go Tigers!!!

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Message #119 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Changes to the BaseballGeeks site
Date:  3/22/06, 11:25am
It would be cool if I could add a post to my blog without having to go through the Message Area.

It would be cool to have the full blog entry show up (not force readers to use the “More” button.)

The # of comments on a blog post is deceiving, and clicking on the “Comments” doesn’t necessarily take you to relevant comments.

These aren’t deal breakers, just being nit picky.

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Message #120 of 317  *NEW*
To:  MonkMojo
Subject:  Re: Changes to the BaseballGeeks site
Date:  3/22/06, 11:38am
>It would be cool if I could add a post to my blog without
>having to go through the Message Area.

Hmmm... what are you thinking here. Say, the ability to write a blog post in the submit link page? If so, I like this idea.

>It would be cool to have the full blog entry show up (not
>force readers to use the “More” button.)

Good idea. An option to show the WHOLE message... The easiest way to implement this would be to make it all or nothing. That is, you can choose in your blog config to show ALL messages in ALL blog entries.

It would be a bit more time consuming to program the blog system to do this on a blog entry by blog basis.

>The # of comments on a blog post is deceiving, and clicking on
>the “Comments” doesn’t necessarily take you to relevant

Not sure I understand what you mean on this one. If I am understanding you, you are talking about blogging a message that is already within a thread.

The best way to avoid this is to just start a new message for each new blog entry.

>These aren’t deal breakers, just being nit picky.

I appreciate it... really! I have designed the system to accomodate MY needs. I want to know the needs of others, so that the system fits all personalities. Let me know, regarding the above.

I'll try to implement the new functions in the next week or so.

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Message #121 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Green Caesar  
Subject:  Re: Changes to the BaseballGeeks site
Date:  3/22/06, 12:00pm
Yeah, that is kind of what I was thinking. Just something so that a blogger can present stats in a formatted way (so that it is easier on the eyes of the readers).

Keep up the great work, buddy!

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