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Message #254 of 317  *NEW*
To:  All
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Baseball Trip of a Lifetime
Date:  4/10/08, 2:06pm
My dad and I are planning a father-son trip to get the New York stadiums out of the way before the teams no longer play there. How can I call myself a baseball geek if I don't ever see a game at the "House that Ruth Built?"

And, we are splurging.

We head out on May 31st for a June 1st afternoon game at Shea, with the Mets playing my beloved Dodgers. Tickets will be in the Loge, 1 level up above home plate.

Then, on June 2nd, we're taking a train to Philadelphia to watch the Phils take on the Reds. I have never been to Philly, so I'm really looking forward to this. Hopefully, we get there early enough so that I can see Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, etc. We're behind home plate on the lower level again.

Then, the finale' is in the Final Championship Seats level (behind home plate) to watch the Yanks take on the Jays on the night of the 3rd.

Any bgeeks listeners want to meet up? Any Phils, Yanks, and/or Met fans know of some good sports bars around the stadiums to down a few before the games?

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Message #255 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Rob Reed
Subject:  Re: Baseball Trip of a Lifetime
Date:  4/10/08, 2:30pm
I would, only I live nowhere near there and I'm underage, but have a great time. I've never been to any stadiums other than RFK and Camden Yards before this year, but the new Nationals stadium is amazing. Its worth it to go there some time. I went there on opening day and it was insane.

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Message #256 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Rob Reed
Mike Reese  
Subject:  Re: Baseball Trip of a Lifetime
Date:  4/10/08, 6:57pm
I've always wanted to take a baseball road trip like this, hopefully I'll make the rounds of the ball parks in the Midwest sometime in the next few years or so.

If you ever make it out to Wrigley or even Comiskey, let me know. I'll give you the down low on a few places to check out.

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Message #261 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Rob Reed
Subject:  Re: Baseball Trip of a Lifetime
Date:  5/7/08, 12:24pm

There really isn't much around Shea other than some used car lots and dumps. If you are renting a car, you can drive over the Roosevelt avenue bridge (out of the Shea parking lot make a left onto Roosevelt Ave., out of the Tennis Center parking lot, make a right onto Roosevelt). Once over the bridge, if you go straight, there is an area with some local bars, but nothing overwhelming. I also don't want you to drive around a lot and get lost. Your best bet is to make it back to Manhattan and get a drink there. Shea just isnt in an area that you hang out in after the game.

As for Yankee Stadium, you may not want to walk around much after the game, but there are some cool bars across the street and down I think its 161st Street (across from the McDonalds and closer to the Court House.)

Have fun and keep up the great pod casts.

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Message #262 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Rob Reed
Subject:  Re: Baseball Trip of a Lifetime
Date:  5/18/08, 5:43am

Both Yankee Stadium & Shea are dumps! Just kidding! I wouldn't know, but despite the history Yankee Stadium possesses, you couldn't pay me to go there, but that's just me. I would probably end up in a fight.

All joking aside, I hope you & your dad have a great time & a safe journey. I'm sure that will be quiet the experience.

As for me, I'm in St. Petersburg at the Trop to watch the Rays from May 24th to May 31st. My father & I are going to atleast 6 games, maybe 7. They have a home stand that entire week vs. the Orioles, Rangers, & White Sox. I can't wait! It may not sound as sexy as going to the baseball games your going to, but I can tell you that Tropicana Field is the most comfortable place I have ever watched a baseball game at any level. Moreover, I won't break a sweat.

Have a safe & wonderful time!

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