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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : General Discussion : Reading "The media once again..................." Thread

Message #138 of 317  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  The media once again...................
Date:  4/14/06, 5:40am
I am so sick of the main stream media trying to put a story out in public that isn't even true. Mike & Mike on ESPN 2 this morning were talking about Dontrelle Willis being traded to the Yankees, almost if they are trying to suggest it or push for it. A lot of people in the main stream media are Yankee homers. Peter Gammons was interviewed on the show over the phone about the apparant story & said that it wasn't true at all. The media often times makes up stories & creates chaos by making up stories. In a way, they are really just like fans & scouts for the Yankees. Maybe they just said this about Willis just to put the thought of maybe doing so in Steinbrenner's head hoping that it would happen. It makes me absolutely SICK!

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