>Since interleague play has begun, and I've been to a number of>the Dodger-Angel games in that time, it's starting to get ugly>with the fans. I'm sad to say that I rather enjoy that the>rivalry has intensified. And I think this year is likely to be>the most bitter to date.Angels' baseball is like a disease. You see, DodgerRefugee is my brother -- my brother who was also weaned on the Dodgers as a kid... my brother who, in fact, I would completely agree was more of a DodgersGeek than almost anyone else I knew.I'm talking the kind of loyalty that he (a bleeding heart liberal, also) shows Bill and Hillary.Then, he moved to Corona for awhile... and -- only some 20 miles from the Big A -- the Angels' disease apparently wafted its way over to him.Of all people.The guy who used to chide Chicago Bull fans (who all of the sudden came out in droves, selling out every game, only after a Championship) as bandwagoners.The Angels win the World Series... and on the wagon jumps DodgerRefugee. I'm still trying to bring him back from the Dark side.>Alright, I'm off to search eBay to see if I can find seats for>the April 1st game in Anaheim. Make sure to also do a search for "protective gear" or "bullet proof vests." I went there with a Dodger cap on last season (it was not a game against the Dodgers), and I legitimately felt and saw the same number of evil stares -- I mean EVIL -- that I felt and saw at a Dodgers-Giants game at Candlestick the year before the Giants went to PacBell.It was the game where Todd Hundley (of all people) sent a three-run shot off of Nen in the top of the 9th (the "Nenth inning," ahem) to give the Dodgers the victory.You're right. It is bad... gonna get much worse.
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